Top ten food for weight loss


It is said that obesity is the root cause of many diseases. That is why fat men and women continue to be the victims of various diseases. Modern medical research has revealed that some foods also protect people from obesity. By eating them, a person gets so much nutrition that his stomach gets full. This way there is no need to eat more food and it is protected from obesity. Below are ten foods that provide us with all the nutrients we need, but do not allow us to become fat.

Sour fruit

Lemons, cannabis, malt, grapefruit, etc. are rich in vitamin C. The advantage of vitamin C is that it helps the human body dissolve fat faster. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. People need 3 to 4 mg of vitamin C daily. But research has shown that when obese men and women take 3 mg of vitamin C daily while exercising, the fat stored in their abdomen, thighs and other body parts begins to dissolve faster. However, men and women who use different medications should start taking 5 mg of vitamin C after consulting a doctor.

Wheat bread

Doctors now advise everyone to have breakfast in the morning. The reason is that if we start the day on an empty stomach, all our energy is wasted. Then we eat too much food later. This routine invites obesity. The second suggestion is to eat a diet rich in fiber for breakfast. The reason is that fiber satisfies our hunger. Therefore, if a high-fiber diet is eaten in the morning, then a person does not feel hungry for a long time. Fiber is found in whole grains. That is why if you eat whole wheat flour in the morning, you will be satisfied till evening. That way, he doesn’t have to worry about eating too much. In addition to fiber, it is also found in pulses, soybeans, peas and corn.


This fruit contains both essential nutrients, vitamin C and fiber in moderation in reducing obesity and in particular it is also low in calories. That is, only 5 calories are found in one cup of strawberry. Research has shown that strawberries dissolve belly fat and absorb excess calories. So when it comes to this fruit season, eat strawberries and stay safe from obesity.

Fat free meat

When we eat fat-free meat from beef, goat and chicken, our body spends more energy digesting it. So eat lean meat; our body will automatically start consuming excess calories and dissolving stored fat. Medical experiments have shown that men and women who eat fat-free meat burn twice as many calories as those who do not. In addition, the protein in meat helps to repair and keep muscles healthy.

Green tea

This tea contains caffeine. Caffeine is a natural stimulant. So while we are resting, caffeine reaches our body and starts burning calories. In addition, green tea contains a substance called ECGC. Research has shown that it stimulates the brain and nervous system and increases our metabolism. Remember, fats and other substances are dissolved in our body only through metabolism. Their mixing gives energy to the cells and they continue their normal activities. Caffeine also makes our heart beat faster. This process also dissolves the fatty acids stored in our body. Due to the availability of caffeine and ECGC, green tea is a much better drink than bottled beverages. By drinking these bottles, a person gets calories and becomes fat.

Fatty fish

In the Indo-Pak subcontinent, salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are available in the form of canned foods and are very expensive. These four fish are rich in fatty substances, omega-3 fatty acids. This substance reaches our body and activates fat-dissolving enzymes. Fortunately, omega-3 fatty acids are also found in trout. These fish are readily available in our neighborhood. A medical study has shown that if fish containing the above substances are eaten regularly, a person will never become fat, even if he eats the usual alama slave food! … On page 2 of the series supplement

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Yes, peppermint in the mouth also helps us lose weight. This is because peppers contain a substance called capsaicin. This substance is also stimulant. This movement increases both the heart and the metabolism. This also increases the amount of fat dissolved in our body. So eat moderately spicy foods and keep yourself healthy. Remember, however, that overeating can worsen the digestive system and increase the risk of ulcers.


It is a diet rich in protein and fiber. It has lower calories than other similar foods. That’s why pistachios are a favorite food for weight loss people. Often only half a cup of pistachios satisfies a person so much that he does not need to eat any other food.


Yes, the presence of protein and fiber also makes lentils an excellent “dietary” food. From just one plate of lentils, we get 3 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber and just 2 calories. So if you want to lose weight or avoid obesity, use lentils more often.


While watching TV, especially movies, almost everyone wants to eat something. But it is this desire that usually makes him obese. Now medical experts say that while watching a movie, there is only some food, so eat popcorn. This is because these roasted corn kernels contain a significant amount of fiber and protein. While they do not have a high amount of calories. So eat moderate amounts of popcorn and make your weight loss plan a success.

Foods that improve the immune system

In our body, special cells, proteins, tissues and organs combine to form an immune system. This term is called “Immune System”. Thanks to this system, our body is protected from germs and infections. The following foods strengthen our immune system. Top of the list are foods that are high in vitamin C. For example, red and green peppers, guavas, cabbage, greens and lemons, tomatoes and peas. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system by correcting defects. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. Non-oxidants remove the accumulated acid in our body. Therefore, eat foods rich in vitamin E such as sunflower seeds, greens, cabbage and walnuts from time to time.

Third is vitamin B6. It is an important vitamin because it helps our body perform more than “biochemical” reactions. Therefore, it is an important vitamin needed for the health of our immune system. It is found in sunflower seeds, pistachios, chicken, potatoes, bananas and greens. Vitamin A is also an important non-oxidant substance. It is found in foods in the form of “carotenoids”. These chemical compounds reach our bodies and are converted into vitamin A. These compounds are found in carrots, yams, pumpkins and ghee. If a person is infected, Vitamin A helps to strengthen our immune system and eliminate it.

Vitamin D is also essential for strengthening the immune system. However, these vitamins are rarely found in foods. That is why men and women sit in the sun for twenty-five minutes and take it. Or vitamin D is taken through medicine. It is important to consult a doctor in this regard. Modern research has shown that people with cancer who eat garlic, cabbage and whole grains do not spread the disease faster. Experts believe that this is due to the mineral selenium. This mineral strengthens the immune system.

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